Eesti Muusika Nädal



Jüri Reinvere’s author’s concert

11.11   19.00

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia suur saal

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Auli Teppo-Lonks (piano), Henry-David Varema (cello), Jakob Teppo (piano), Johanna Vahermägi (viola), Kai Ratassepp (piano), Kaija Lukas (violin), Lauri Väinmaa (piano), Maila Laidna (piano), Mari Poll (violin), Mati Mikalai (piano), Mihkel Poll (piano), Piret Väinmaa (piano), Tiiu Sisask (piano), Toomas Vavilov (clarnet), Saksofonikvartett Quattro Quarti

Raimo Kangro’s author’s concert

12.11   19.00

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia suur saal

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Ene Nael (harpsichord), Heigo Rosin (percussion instruments), Heili Rosin-Leivategija (flute), Indrek Leivategija (cello), Maksim Štšura (piano), Reinut Tepp (harpsichord), Triin Ruubel (violin), Eesti Puhkpillikvintett


13.11   19.00

Heino Eller Music School Tubina Hall

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Indrek Leivategija (cello), Indrek Vau (trumpet), Johan Randvere (piano), Maksim Štšura (piano), Triin Ruubel (violin), Villem Süvari (trumpet), saxophone quartet Quattro Quarti.

Jaan Räätsa’s author’s concert

14.11   19.00

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia suur saal

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Indrek Vau (trumpet), Johan Randvere (piano), Kirill Ogorodnikov (guitar), Robert Traksmann (violin), Vahur Kubja (guitar), Villem Süvari (trumpet), Eesti Akadeemiline Vaskpillikvintett, Keelpillikvartett M4GNET

Õpetajalt õpilasele

15.11   11.00

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia suur saal

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Ene Nael, Heigo Rosin, Heili Rosin-Leivategija, Indrek Leivategija, Johan Randvere, Kirill Ogorodnikov, Maksim Štšura, Vahur Kubja.

Festival introduction

The Estonian Music Week Estonian Interprets Festival puts the spotlight on Estonian music – solo and chamber music – performed by esteemed Estonian performers. The festival invites you to take a journey through the history of Estonian professional music, reflecting the different stages of its development. In 2024, the festival’s authors’ evenings will focus on the works of Jaan Räätsa, Raimo Kangro and Jüri Reinver, with favourites including little-known or unperformed pieces.


The programme of the festival has been put together by the board of the Estonian Interpreter’s Association, consisting of Arvo Leibur, Henry-David Varema, Indrek Vau, Mihkel Poll and Peep Lassmann. The performers have been selected according to the specific work, so that the interpretation can reflect certain interesting features of the work/period of the composer’s work. In total, the festival will feature 41 performers from different disciplines.


The festival has grown out of the Estonian Interpreter’s Association’s 2018 festival “Virmalised”, which focused on Estonian piano music written over a hundred years. The festivals of the past years have given an insight into the chamber music of Rudolf Tobias, Artur Lemba, Eduard Tubin, Eduard Oja, Ester Mägi, Eino Tamberg, Kuldar Sing, Mati Kuulberg, Lepo Sumera, Rein Rannap, Erkki-Sven Tüür and Tõnu Kõrvitsa.


The festival is organised in cooperation between the Estonian Performers’ Association and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.
The festival is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Culture, the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the City of Tallinn.

Regular ticket

0 € - 19 €

(Over)students and pensioners free of charge. Free admission from the Ticket Centre. Please bring a document proving the discount.